Saturday, April 20, 2013

April eh, 20

We're home! Got home late Wednesday, after the two long days of driving and stopping in Boston with Lisa and her family for dinner.

The route: Tuesday started on a short section of route 10, 610 around New Orleans, a little bit more of 10, then northeast on 59 through Alabama, Georgia, and into Tennessee; rte 40 almost through TN, and switched to 81, which took us into Virginia. Motel in Roanoke. Wednesday more Virginia, a corner of Maryland and a smidgen of West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. In Scranton we hopped over to 84, through NY and CT; in Mass the Mass Pike into Boston, and a piece of 95 towards Lisa's house. Later at night route 93 to NH.
And that was it. There won't be much travel until late May when we're going back to Tennessee for the DestiNation ImagiNation Global Final.

The noteworthy details: Black vultures in Alabama - they look just like turkey vultures except their heads are black ;). The lovely countryside of the Appalachians. The endless road construction - an obvious illustration of the four seasons of the year, according to Jeff Foxworthy (sp?). He was talking about New England, but just about every bridge along the Eastern Seaboard is getting fixed... In Alabama, there's a 48 mile section of it, speed limit 55 (fines doubled in the work zone), occasionally a piece of red and white drums, one police car with blue lights behind a pick-up, many miles later two construction vehicles... but in other places they were actually working. Going north, we went back in time and saw Spring going backwards - redbuds, dogwoods, scarlet clover, forsythia, red maple buds. At home the forsythia is just opening its flowers, and we get to enjoy all off Spring going in the normal direction.

Now I'll be busy helping Niamh and Steve move; maybe, if the news is good from Bob the realtor, I'll get the house ready to go on the market; and I'll be playing with the grandbabes. Excuse me, there's one nearby right now!

Over and out :)

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